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Achieving 24/7 Automation in Water Treatment Membrane Production

Product identification is crucial for traceability and safety in manufacturing. Labels serve various purposes, such as indicating product names, serial numbers, lot numbers, manufacturing dates, and expiration dates. The automation of ID assignment is on the rise, driven by labor shortages and increased costs. Industrial robots are also pivotal in applying labels efficiently, replacing tasks once performed exclusively by human operators. This shift towards automation enhances efficiency and precision in the manufacturing sector.

Business Challenge

The customer, a water filtration manufacturer, faced significant challenges due to changes in work styles, evolving workplaces, an aging workforce, and a labor shortage. These factors created a pressing need for factory automation to meet increasing product demand amid a limited labor pool. The objective was to implement a fully automated production line covering tasks from water filter membrane winding to labeling, ensuring continuous 24/7 operation and improved production efficiency. A critical challenge was integrating the newly automated processes seamlessly with the customer’s existing processes with a new RFID-powered management system.


SATO implemented an all-in-one labeling solution utilizing two CL4NX units and a multi-axis robotic arm complemented by camera-based image recognition for label positioning, verification, and inspection. The incorporation of image detection and robotics ensured pinpoint accuracy in label application. As a result, the production line achieved full automation, operating around the clock without human error, interruptions during shift changes, or staff breaks. This system enhanced operational efficiency and aligned with the company's sustainability objectives by bolstering productivity, minimizing label and product waste, and fostering manufacturing process stability.



  • Improved productivity and efficiency
  • Verified label quality, accurate, precise label application by robot
  • Continuous production, fully automated 24/7 without human errors or downtime


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Technology Briefs

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