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SATO Success with RFID: On Track to Efficiency: How SATO Transformed Rail Asset Management

Osaka Metro 03

Efficient asset tracking and maintenance management pose substantial challenges for the commuter rail sector as it strives to deliver reliable transportation services. The scale of rail assets, encompassing trains, maintenance equipment, and an extensive inventory of spare parts, introduces complexities of tracking and management.

Business Challenge

The customer, a major player in the rapid transit sector within a major metropolitan area in East Asia, manages a fleet of approximately 1,400 trains, serving 133 stations and accommodating around 2.5 million rail passengers daily. They encountered challenges related to both environmental factors and workforce management.

Changes to the business environment included an aging workforce, shortened work hours, and evolving workstyles. Operational challenges were characterized by the daily manual checking of tools and assets using a handwritten system, a time-consuming, manual process prone to human error. The core challenge was to systematize this process to boost efficiency and simplify onboarding for new hires.


SATO introduced an advanced tool management system. This innovative solution involved attaching RFID smart tags to each tool. These tags are then read by readers, and then collected data is processed through a software system, creating a comprehensive record of each tool that can be easily accessed on the screen.

Now, with tags uniquely associated with each tool, a systematic registration process has been implemented within the system. This allows for the smooth execution of daily inventory checks in the warehouse and facilitates tracking tools taken out into the field for railway maintenance work. The RFID system ensures real-time recording and monitoring of tools, significantly enhancing overall operational efficiency. In total, the time spent on managing tool inventory at the maintenance site has been reduced by 80 percent.

In addition, if tools are misplaced or lost during these processes, the RFID system serves as a powerful tool for swift tracking and retrieval. This solution optimizes tool management and significantly contributes to minimizing losses and improving overall accountability.


  • Time spent on inventory management was reduced by 80 percent
  • Prevention of work errors due to manual processes
  • Ability to track and trace tool loans/returns


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